Welcome, Kathy!

A friend of mine has joined the blogging world! Kathy is the "artist friend" whose words influenced me so greatly here. Her blog is My Heart Leaps, and on her website you can enjoy many of her beautiful expressions of faith and feeling.

Welcome to the blogosphere, Kathy!


Jan said…
I feel like Kathy is a kindred spirit, since you introduced both her and me to the blogging world!

I can see that we have the same blog template, and I hadn't noticed the similarity until I changed!
Thanks, Katherine, for the introduction. I look forward to connecting with this amazing blogging community.
See you tomorrow!
Rochelle said…
Kathy...I do remember you from Brite. How exciting. I am so glad to be a part of the RevGalBlog community and look forward to reading your relfections and catching up. I hope that '08 will be a blessed one for you.

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