Joyce and Anne

Thanks for your prayers for Joyce. They were suppose to do surgery first thing this morning, but when I got to the hospital at 1:00, she was still in her room, waiting. She was in no pain, just lying there, so we got to talk a bit. They took her to pre-op about 2:00 and I haven't heard anything yet from her son.

Oh, the world seems in such chaos right now to me, somehow. My husband's home church, which he dearly dearly loves~the church in which we were married~is in a horrendous uproar. D is there tonight for another meeting. Dear God, may everyone there open themselves to your Spirit's nudgings toward justice and reconciliation. That's my fervent prayer.

And that's what happened at my previous church, so I have good reason to hope.

Oh, and my dear friend Seeker Executive. I just found out that she is driving to another city tonight to be with a friend who is near death. And this friend of hers is so very close to her heart; they have been like sisters since their college days together. Breaks my heart that this dear friend is dying of cancer, and that Seeker Executive is going to experience such a profound loss. I stand on the sidelines here wishing I could help. Please pray for Anne and for Cathy and her family.

As I write this, I realize how very much Joyce being hospitalized has knocked me off-center. Joyce is 85, but still working every morning in her garden, doing all kinds of repairs around her house, very vital. She's a 'saint' of my previous church. A first-class poet. Oh, you should hear her prayers...they are stunning poetry, really. I love to hear her pray. My leaving that church really hurt her, I know. She made it clear to me that she thought of me as a daughter, and it was leaving a huge hole in her life for me to no longer be there on Sunday morning. She never asked me to stay ~ she understood the reasons for my departure, and she agreed with them. But I know it hurt.

I love her, too. I felt a special connection with her from the very beginning. There's a significant part of me that is always reaching out for mother-figures in my life, and Joyce fit that bill perfectly. She's not the only one I think of in that way nowadays, but, my gosh, the feeling of deep connection with her is so powerful.

Dear God, may her recovery be speedy and full. Amen.


Jan said…
Love and prayers.
Linda said…
Offering my prayers to join yours.
Gannet Girl said…
Prayers and hoping that she is in little pain this morning.
Jennifer said…
Joyce is such a gift in your life.
I'm praying for her and for you.

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