The importance of beauty

Why is beauty so important?

In my twenties I was hardly aware of it, my soul so full of fear, self-absorbed.

As I began to heal, the context in which I lived and worked came into view. The harshness of the flueorescent lights under which I worked at the oil company suddenly weighed on me. I began to buy furniture and home decor that spoke to me of the difference the divine can make. I yearned for an environment, a context for living and working, that mirrored the opening toward which I felt myself drawn.

Why is beauty so important?


Jan said…
Beauty shows us to the Holy. I love finding new posts on your blog, Katherine. Today when I talked to JT, she spoke of friends of yours on the prayer committee. It's nice to be connected with you in various ways, even though we're so many miles apart.
Rev SS said…
For me beauty makes it so much easier to experience the presence of God, the master artist.
Jennifer said…
For me, beauty is a visual antidote to all that isn't.
It's so good to read your posts!
Terri said…
beauty is in the eye of the beholder... but then it offers us a way to remember that God once scooped into the chaos and brought forth order and creation, and in fact God continues to do so every day - beauty is a reflection of what God is doing in us and for us - because chaos does not win...
RevDrKate said…
A little late weighing in....but I would think there has to be something of our draw to God and the holy in our love for beauty. I was thinking about this at the yurt last fall. Creation could have been simply "functional" but it was also created stunningly beautiful...for what purpose? The pleasure of the incarnated ones whom the Creator loved? I thought perhaps I should get very very grateful right about then....

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