Oh, to laugh...

I spent Friday night at what we call our "Girls Overnight." My friends Joyful Laugh and Life Giving One and I try to schedule a couple of times each year when we rent a big room at a B&B and spend some time together. This time Joyful Laugh's husband and son were away on a camping trip together so we got to spend our time at her beautiful new house.

Joyful Laugh is one of the most creative friends I have, and her house shows it. Wow. It's so beautiful ~ the large family room has ceiling-to-floor windows looking out on a creek, so trees and wildlife are plentiful. And she had a landscaper design the patio.

She and Life Giving One stayed up Friday night until 2:30 watching a movie, so when I woke up at 8:30 the next morning I had the house to myself, basically. Made coffee (several cups, actually), went outside and sat on her new covered swing-set, prayed, listened to the birds and the sound of the fountain she installed on the patio. Amazing. My soul felt lifted up.

On these "Girls Overnights" we talk and laugh and then laugh some more. They are SO refreshing.

I'll never forget one time ~ this was several years ago when I was single ~ they came to my house for the overnight. Somehow we started listening to oldies-but-goodies, Diana Ross and the Supremes, as I recall. Talk about crazy. We started doing a modified karaoke thing, with one of us playing the role of Diana and the other two the back-up singers, dancing and carrying on in the back. Oh! It was one of those pee-in-your-pants-absolutely-can't-stop-laughing FUNNY times! When I was a little girl my mother used to say that we got our giggle boxes turned over...and, yes, it was like that.

Oh, laughter is incredible medicine...what a stress-reliever!


Rev SS said…
laughter is so good for us ... glad you got to have this time
Jan said…
So glad you and your friends had such fun together AND that you do this regularly!
Jennifer said…
You are three blessed girls....

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