Identity, Imago Dei, and Patriarchy

Feminist Theology in an Age of Fear and Hope has posted an essay of mine on Matthew 3:3-17. It's about identity and how we form our identities within a pervasive system of patriarchy and from the imago Dei. Many thanks to MomPriest at Seeking Authentic Voice for starting this blog on such an important topic.


Jennifer said…
I just read your essay. Wonderful! Thought-provoking. I'm so glad to have read it!
steve said…
Lovely and thought provoking. I'm intrigued by the role of fear in the essay -- fear of intimacy, fear of relationship, fear of a true "I-Thou" experience (to use Buber's phrase). To me, fear seems to be central -- and much of patriarchy is a culturally defined response to that fear.
Rev SS said…
Thanks Katherine and Mompriest. Well written and so right on!
Terri said…
cool, thanks for the cross-posting and link!
Jan said…
Katherine, you continually amaze me with your writing ability and critical thinking. Thank you. (And I miss you, too.)

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