Too tired

I don't know why I'm feeling so tired. Utterly exhausted is a more descriptive word for it. It's as if I'm not getting enough oxygen, but the doctor said my breathing was okay. I could just barely drag myself out of bed this morning, and after church yesterday I slept for a solid three hours. Ugh.

Can't have this! Too much to do!


Rev SS said…
I know the feeling ... I'm taking today and tomorrow as "veg" days ... My experience has been that I'm much more effective in getting everything done, better and quicker, when I just find a way to have a break. Hope you can too.
Praying the Spirit will breathe life and energy back in...and gird up any "leaks" that are draining you.

Loving you,
Jan said…
Take care, Katherine. Listen to your body!
hoping you have found rest... good restorative rest for body & soul. take care of yourself... because people need you.
Jennifer said…
Thinking of you and holding you in prayer.
You've been through a lot...and are going through a lot. I hope you can find times of rest.

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