Odds and Ends this January evening

Just some odds and ends this evening:
  • I've been feeling GREAT lately. Don't know why...there's nothing particularly different from those days last week when I could hardly move, I was so tired.
  • Struck me today how much I love being a minister. A retired couple from my new church invited me over for lunch, and we just sat and talked while feasting on homemade soup and cornbread. Comfort food! They invited me out back to tour his office, formerly a tool shed that he converted. Wow. I admire the ability to build like that. And then we sat in their living room and spoke about the church for a while. They are both at the center of things there. It was under her direction that every spring the church plants wildflowers. This church is set up on a hill, surrounded by about four acres of grass and trees--beautiful park-like setting. In October church members come together to make about 2,000 seed balls~the size of your fist~an amazing process that keeps the birds from eating the seeds. At the first rain the balls dissolve, leaving the seeds planted for a fabulous flowering in the spring. Oh, I can't wait to see it all blossom forth in a few months. Wow. I had such a nice time being in their house, partaking of their really gracious hospitality.
  • I worked late tonight. The music director came in, and we spoke about our mutual love for the 'emerging church' style of worship, where everyone participates in some way, and we provide stimulation for the five senses. Such a powerful way to worship God.
  • NEWSFLASH! My husband D landed a role in a local community theater! He'll play Boolie (sp?), the son of Daisy, in Driving Miss Daisy. It's a role he played before, several years ago before I knew him. And he was nominated for best supporting actor in the local press awards thing. What a thing, huh? I used to watch The Actor's Studio on the Bravo channel and became SO impressed with acting as an art. I love it, and in my secret life I wish I had the courage to give it a try. Well, maybe one day. In the meantime I'll live vicariously through D.
  • My sister Beautiful Blue Eyes Laughing is a staunch Republican. I called her this week to see if she still had a visceral dislike of Hillary Clinton. She does--that hasn't changed. But, as long as Hillary is not on the ticket, she said she might vote for Barack Obama this fall. Wow. My sister is like a bell-weather for me. Her opinion makes me think that Hillary Clinton really faces a huge uphill battle in getting elected.
  • Life is good. Except that D is going away again. He leaves tomorrow on a business trip. Bummer. I always miss him.


Diane M. Roth said…
glad you are feeling good, interesting array of thoughts. It's interesting as well how the pendulum swings back and forth on Obama. I know people who have that visceral dislike of Hillary, too.
Rev SS said…
Beautiful word pictures of your environment (people and church setting) ... that and emergent style worship ... WOW! Sounds like good reasons to feel good.

I'm with your sister on Hillary (not on being staunch Republican) and on voting for Obama!
Jan said…
I'm really glad you're feeling good. You are such an intelligent, loving woman. I'm glad your life is what you like.
Jennifer said…
It's always nice to hear about all that's happening in your life.

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