Obama Wins

Obama runs away with South Carolina primary

Jan 26, 2008 19:07 EST, BBC

~Obama Routs Clinton in Racially Charged SC Primary, Regaining Momentum~

"Barack Obama routed Hillary Rodham Clinton in the racially-charged South Carolina primary Saturday night, regaining campaign momentum in the prelude to a Feb. 5 coast-to-coast competition for more than 1,600 Democratic National Convention delegates."


Jan said…
Good. Thanks for the news; I haven't seen or read any news today.
Rev SS said…
And now endorsed by Caroline and Ted! ... O Lord, hear our prayers, surround this man and his family with your protection, guidance, wisdom and strength.
RevDrKate said…
Yee-ha! And due at least in part to the hope instilled...I am going to my first ever caucus on Tuesday.
Jennifer said…
These are exciting, hopeful times...

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