Award for Blogging

Jan at Yearning for God graciously honored me with the Superior Scribbler Award. Thank you, Jan! Your blog is at the top of my list of favorites!

Here's how this thing works:

*Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.

*Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.

*Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to this Post, which explains The Award.

*Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!

*Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.

Like Jan, I choose ALL on my blog list on the left, but specifically honor these five:

Against a Brick Wall. This is Linda who first introduced me to blogging. Her writing is ALWAYS compelling. Often her posts just leave me breathless, and I go back and read them again and again. She's on a wonderful journey in life, and I always feel privileged to ride along with her for a while through her blog.

Beyond Assumptions. Steve's posts are important. He writes about church and why it is, and often is not, an inviting place. He writes about raising children with autism. He writes about current events/issues. I wish he posted more often because his voice is SO honest and authentic, as you can tell just from the title of his blog.

Seeking Authentic Voice. When my time is short I nevertheless always check out what Mompriest is blogging about. She recently has moved from pastoring a small church in the upper Midwest to a large church in the Southwest which is vibrant and good but, as often happens, not quite willing to change and move forward. Mompriest is on such a compelling journey in ministry. I learn so much from her. I respect her deeply.

Search the Sea. Gannet Girl is blogging about the unspeakable grief that comes from losing a child. She is using prose, but still able to convey the deepest of the human experience, poet-like. She is a poet, I think, in touch with the Mystery in all its beauty and all its pain. I pray for her daily and hope my prayers manage to honor, if only a little, such a deeply human human being. Her blog is Beauty.

Prairie Light. Kate teaches me with every post. In her work as a pastor and therapist in a small town she is always seeking integration and authenticity. She is one, I think, who has learned the wisdom of wholeness--body, mind, spirit. She tries so many things spiritually, blogging about "God Watch," in which she looks for God in her daily life. Or doing a gratitude journal online. These days she is waiting for "the shoe to drop," and we don't know what the "shoe" is, but something has happened, and we (all her readers, I'm sure) are praying for her, confident that all shall be well, all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.

This was not easy. I'd honor Light and Free but I'm not sure she's open to the general public. My Heart Leaps hasn't posted since October--Kathy! let's hear from you! Also An Inherently Irrational Rationalist, but she's not a RevGal. Purple, Jennifer, Serena, Diane, Songbird---I read them all the time and LOVE them! These blogs are SO well written and wonderfully meaningful to me.

So many others.... The blogging world has been a real God-send to me.

Jan, thanks again.


Jan said…
Yay, Katherine! I love those you chose and am glad you could honor bloggers I had no space left for. There are a plethora of inspirational and gifted bloggers out there, and I am grateful I know you and so many of them. AND YOU are the one who brought me into this blogging world! Thank you, dear friend.
Terri said…
thanks, you are too kind (but really the feelings are mutual - I always read your blog too and find it inspiring)....I played but due to a case of the flu I adapted the rules a bit...
Jennifer said…
I have a friend from Texas who used to respond to a compliment by saying, "Right back at ya!"
Ditto. I love rading your thoughts.
steve said…
Thanks, Katherine! I'm a huge fan of your blog and deeply honored that you thought of mine. I will try to start posting more regularly.
Linda said…
What an honor, Katherine. Thanks so much! I'll make my post sometime tomorrow. Know that your blog is one of my favs too. I'm glad you joined the fun!

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