a prayer for election day

Gracious God,

Thank you for this day, this important day. Thank you for your love and grace and freedom.

I am grateful, O God, that I live in a place on Earth where I may freely vote and express my opinion in that way.

I am grateful for journalists and bloggers and writers and great thinkers who may freely express their opinions. Freedom like this is precious, and I do not want to ever take it for granted.

Whatever the outcome, give us--give me--the spiritual maturity to remember that all our hope ultimately lies in you. When the outcome becomes clear later on today (or tomorrow), help me, O God, to thank you and to acknowledge that you are present, in the here and now, and that all shall be well, all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.

I pray that our nation-state may know its place in this world ~ that we are one among many, and that whatever leadership role we may have carries within it an attitude of servanthood, for otherwise it is a kind of tyranny and not true leadership. In whatever the future holds, I pray that somehow we may find the courage to turn to you and not give in to fear.

May it be so.


This is a beautiful prayer. I especially appreciated the reminder that our hope lies ultimately in God and the prayer for our nation's place in this world.

And thank you for visiting my blog this morning and offering to pray for Durbin as well as Obama.

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