Feeling Better Sooner!

I started this blog in the spring of 2007 when I was home sick with bronchitis, then pneumonia, then asthma, then bronchitis again. I had a terrible spring! But one good thing that came from that "sick" time was learning about blogging from my friend Linda. Through her example, I thought I'd give it a try and consequently something very good (new friends) emerged from a not-so-good time in my life.

I've been free from serious problems since then, more than a year, but I think I have bronchitis again today. Fortunately my doctor has an opening later this morning, so we'll see.

I don't know exactly why being sick upsets me the way it does. Maybe because my mother died of lung problems. Maybe because it interferes with my commitments. Maybe because I think sickness is a sign that I'm not where I should be spiritually--(I do think the mind/spirit-body link is powerful, but on the other hand, it's not the only thing that affects the body.) Maybe because it says I'm stressed out--(but I've been slowing down recently and saying 'no' to things, so I don't think that's it).

No way to know for sure. I just need to really believe that "what is IS" and then let it go. Let it go. Let it go. I'm sure that will help me feel better sooner!


Being sick...never fun. Hope you start feeling better.
Gannet Girl said…
Feel better - bronchitis is a frequent plague of mine, and it's miserable.
Jennifer said…
Bless you, Katherine!
I hope you'll receive helpful answers at the doctor and be gentle to yourself. Sometimes being sick is only that--and has no deeper meaning.
Jan said…
Katherine, I'm so sorry you're feeling sick, BUT am glad you're seeing your doctor! My mother would have told you that getting sick means your "resistance" is down. . . .so maybe just take better care of yourself! (((Katherine)))
Terri said…
Oh gosh...sorry your feel sick...I too agree with the mind body spirit connection and illness - but in addition there is a balance in our immune systems...whenever we get sick it is because our immune system has used up its supply of antibody responses. Getting ill actually serves the purpose of replenishing our immune system...weird eh....and not so helpful to know when we are sick...I really hope you feel better soon, but am glad that it led you to blogging!
Rev SS said…
Praying for your rapid recovery, Katherine!
Just checking in to say, "How are you?"

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