An Unexpected Ending

Well, we're home. I've posted some pictures to my first post about the vacation below.

Wonderful vacation, still it's nice to be home and in surroundings I love. We stopped in Sherman, only a couple of hours from here last night, just to extend our time away from home--one of those spontaneous, kind of playful decisions. We've had very good luck staying at Hampton Inns when we travel, and last night was no exception.

This morning we stopped at the house in Denison where Pres. Dwight Eisenhower was born. Bought the tickets, took the tour--the whole thing. On the tour with us were a woman in her 70's from Pennsylvania and her daughter. Just the four of us on this tour. Very nice.

When the tour ended, we said our polite goodbyes and D and I headed home. After about 90 minutes in the car we stopped at Cracker Barrel for lunch. For the first time all week our conversation turned to work issues, thinking of the upcoming week. The bill came, we paid and headed out the door. A few steps later, in the parking lot, we see two women waving at us. Unbelievably, it's the woman in her 70s from Pennsylvania and her daughter. From the Eisenhower house tour. Talk about BIZARRE! Of the million different directions, and the millions of choices for lunch, our lives intersect once again with these two women at the Cracker Barrel in Denton, Tx. All four of us were stunned.

Ah well, The Unexpected. A good way to end vacation.

Unfortunately, we didn't get a photo of the woman and her daughter, but this is D and me in front of Eisenhower's house:


Jennifer said…
Sounds like you And your new friends from Pennsylvania had a lovely time.
Gald you're home!
Glad you had a great time.
Jan said…
Sounds nice, especially with new friends showing up in two places. I could almost glimpse what D looks like and was surprised that I could recognize you, even from that distance! It's so good that you and D had a good time.
Unknown said…
I couldn't see the picture, but that is okay. Funny thing, I had Pres. Eisenhower on the brain because it is Veterans' Day today and came by your blog today. I think it is funny, anyway.

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