Happy Thanksgiving

D and I worshiped at the Thanksgiving Service at his church tonight. What a blessing! To be able to sit in that beautiful sanctuary (this is the church where we were married) and listen to a beautiful sermon, full of God's truth as I understand it, share a meal with good folks, oh! I felt God's presence and am grateful.

I do want to remember just a few of the many things for which I am grateful tonight:
  • my husband and my children-by-marriage, for my sister, niece, nephew and brother-in-law in South Carolina, for my brother and sister-in-law in Thailand, for my dear friends and other family members.

  • my church where, although it's been so tough lately, I have nevertheless been privileged to serve, where I have loved the people and the work of ministry, where I have had wonderful opportunities to do some creative programming, where the beauty of the building's sanctuary has nurtured me...and so much more.

  • technology and how it has allowed me to connect with some amazingly wise people via blogging.

  • the promise of First Congregational, UCC, to be a healthy place where God is worshiped and people are served, where confiict is handled creatively, where I can continue to grow spiritually.

  • prayer that connects us to God and to each other.

  • wise spiritual directors and counselors who work through love, and who help me see what is authentic about myself.

  • for D taking my hand as we prayed tonight at the Thanksgiving service.

  • for Hobbes, our cat ~ D adopted him as a kitten and loves him a lot.

  • so many other things, to numerous to mention here...
Happy Thanksgiving!


Rev SS said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Blessings to you and First Cong UCC! Serena
Stratoz said…
Good luck with those Utterly Confused Christians, you know those that want to come together, not splinter into more denominations. I was a UCCer for a few years when I returned to church 10 years ago and it was a great place to take my doubts and anger about Christianity and emerge on a journey of faith, joy, doubts, and anger.
Jan said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Sorry I won't see you, but I'm glad to be home. Thank you for telling us your gratitudes. It's nice to peek into your life.
RevDrKate said…
Happy Thanksgiving Katherine. Thanks for sharing your gratitude list. I'm grateful that you are in this blogworld and that our paths have crossed.
Diane M. Roth said…
happy thanksgiving. A gratitude list is such a healing thing.
Katherine E. said…
Yes, it is, Diane. Very much so.

Jan, I'm sorry you're not here, too, but I certainly understand about not wanting to make a long drive like that.

Serena, Kate, Wayne, thanks for commenting. Happy Thanksgiving TO YOU ALL!

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