10 Random Things

Jan tagged me for the 10 Random Things meme. Thanks, Jan! Here we go!

1. I love to play Free Cell. At the moment my percentage is 98% won. Yeah, I'm good.

2. I know all the words to "Harper Valley P.T.A." and I sing it with feeling.

3. When I'm startled, I usually scream.

4. I've been to a wrestling match...at the Sportatorium in City to the East. Weird experience. I went with a bunch of women when I first started working at the oil company in 1981.

5. I've also been to a Tractor Pull. Also in City to the East when I worked at the oil company and also a weird experience. A woman I worked with and her husband wanted to 'broaden my horizons.' They also offered to teach me how to shoot a gun. I declined that one.

6. Since I married D, I've been to many (I've lost count) Friday night high school football games. Both of my daughters-by-marriage were/are in their h.s. band, so we travel an hour or two to get to these games, in various parts of central Texas. If the weather isn't hotter than hell, it's actually kind of fun. I like football, and it's fun to watch the people, of course.

7. I once typed 106 wpm with two errors. And I won a contest in high school for speed on the 10-key adding machine. Yeah, I'm good. My sister has always been better, though. She's blazing fast.

8. Always wanted a solo voice. I can blend OK with my voice, but I love to sing and wish I sounded better! My sister and I spent countless hours growing up, with me doing the best I could (which wasn't great) at the piano and both of us singing our hearts out. Oh, that was fun!

9. I'm a terrible cook. What's the secret to keeping cookies from burning on the bottom? My chocolate pies are lumpy--how come? I finally figured out how to cook chicken 'n' dumplings like my mother used to make~major accomplishment, but that's about it.

10. Love to play ping-pong. Wish we had a ping-pong table.


Fun to hear the bits and pieces in your life.
Jennifer said…
These are great. It's fun to see how our lives are our own, and so affected by others.
I love ping pong, too!
Jan said…
It is good to know more about you, Katherine! We're all quirky in our own ways. You sound so happy since marrying D.
Diane M. Roth said…
The secret to keeping cookies from burning on the bottom is to use a light-colored pan. (taught to me by a home economist who works at my church).

love this list. I'm really not much of a cook either.

but my cookies don't burn on the bottom any more.

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