Freefall into the grace of God

Denise Levertov is a wonderful poet, isn't she?

The Avowal

As swimmers dare
to lie face to the sky
and water bears them,
as hawks rest upon air
and air sustains them,
so would I learn to attain
freefall, and float
into Creator Spirit's deep embrace,
knowing no effort earns
that all-surrounding grace.
~Denise Levertov ~

Ohhhh, what lovely memories this poem evokes in me.
Freefalling into the arms of God.

Leaving the false security of ARCO. Strangely easy .... Preaching to the seminary community, professors and all. Valerie telling me to LIVE, LIVE in THIS moment .... Group therapy where I was Levertov's soaring hawk, the bravest I've ever been when it comes to a potential relationship .... And marriage. Risking it all, although somehow it didn't feel like the cost could be death, sustained no doubt by God and by a confidence in D's 'earnestness.'

So it seems that Life ~real Life~ is a series of freefalls.

Learning to trust.
....................Failing to learn, time and time and time again.

Staying open, though. Listening for the still small voice and its nudgings.

Becoming more conscious of Fear, but its sister Courage as well.

Holy One, nudge me to freefall.


Anonymous said…
Try this - D

“Stubborn Ounces”
(To One Who Doubts the Worth of
Doing Anything If You Can’t Do Everything)
By Bonaro W. Overstreet

You say the Little efforts that I make
will do no good: they never will prevail
to tip the hovering scale
where Justice hangs in balance.

I don’t thinkI ever thought they would.
But I am prejudiced beyond debate
in favor of my right to choose which side
shall feel the stubborn ounces of my weight.
Jan said…
Katherine, thank you for the lovely Levertov poem, but even more for your thoughts as it pertains to your life.

Your prayer will also be mine:
"Holy One, nudge me to freefall."
I don't know Katherine...I'm kind of weary of free falling! I'd rather like to stay in those loving arms a while longer between leaps! Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Katherine E. said…
Hi Kathy! Yes, see you tomorrow!

Thanks, D and Jan
Gannet Girl said…
A wonderful poem for me this week! - thank you!

So beautiful, poignant, and touching. Thanks for sharing your courage.
steve said…
Stunningly beautiful. Thank you for sharing the poem, and the gift of your blog.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for this vibrant website, Katherine. Your freefall memories made my own start popping. One of my freefalls began the day I resigned my college teaching position to go it alone in private practice. While I was terrified I knew I was in Strong Arms, but I could never have guessed the joy of letting go or even one of the good places that freefall would take me within "Creator Spirit's deep embrace." I pray with you: "Nudge me to fall, Holy One." May God bless your new ministry. ccw
Katherine E. said…
GG, Purple, Steve, and CCW, and D, Jan, Kathy...oh, you are all manifestations of God's grace to me this evening.

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