This and That

Well, Hillary won, and I am not unhappy. As a friend of mine said this morning, to hear her say in her speech, "For all the women who've been down and have found the courage to get right back up, THIS IS FOR YOU!" -- yes, that was thrilling. Amazing, and wonderful, and thrilling.

Young Man with Integrity apparently took quite a leadership role at the precinct convention Tuesday evening--he just knows all the rules, and apparently they needed people with that kind of knowledge! He'll go to the county convention as an Obama delegate, and I am not unhappy about that either!

And in other news...

Quite unbelievably, it's sleeting and snowing in North Texas. On March 6. Wow. The weather has deteriorated since morning, and apparently the traffic is now one huge mess out there.

I'm comfy-cozy inside today, not because I'm so smart, but because I'm still sick. Oh well.
We had a healing service on Sunday (oh, I loved getting to pray with people; wow), and at the end, I and my colleague prayed for each other. I asked for prayer about this illness--not so much for the physical healing but for the emotional part of it that tempts me toward anger and self-rejection. And you know what? I've really been better with all that since then. Combined with the work I did on it here, all of my RevGal friends praying, and this healing prayer on Sunday, I'm noticing something really different in my attitude. And that's a big contributor toward healing, I know.

My second job has ended--the little clerical one that paid me $15/hour. Guess I worked myself right out of the job--got them caught up and there wasn't anything else for me to do. Which is okay. I did enjoy being there, and they'll call me on an 'as needed' basis now.

Having my Wednesday and Friday mornings free now is going to be helpful on a number of levels. First it will help me get more rest here in the beginning, plus I'm thinking perhaps I should use that time to start a walking program. Or, I wonder whether that "Fit After Fifty" place is still open. I don't know, but Something!

If I can get well enough by Sunday, I'm going to the Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation. This is the retreat from which I came home last year with pneumonia. Not looking for a recurrence of that!! Oh, but it would be good to get away for a while. Change of scenery. No responsibilities. Beauty everywhere. Spending some time with my dear friend The Author--she and I are suppose to room together.

I got my brother's tax information together this afternoon. He lives in Thailand. I'll take it to the tax accountant for him soon.

I was able to do some work here from home today, too. I'm arranging for speakers for my church's Wellness Ministry 2008 Lecture Series on Mental Health. Monthly, we'll cover topics like domestic violence, suicide/tragic death, spirituality and psychotherapy, family systems, the biology of mental illness. And we begin with a presentation in April entitled "I'm Not Sick. I Don't Need Help!: Getting Your Loved Ones the Help They Need." Good information for people who struggle to get their loved ones to take their meds. The lectures will be Monday evenings for about an hour. We'll serve refreshments. Should be good; I like doing this kind of thing. And I have some incredibly gifts friends who are willing to speak for us.

Let me end this little epistle by stealing a GREAT quote from Jan's blog, Yearning for God.

In those moments when we forget ourselves – not thinking, “Am I happy?” but completely oblivious to our little ego – we spend a brief but beautiful holiday in heaven. The joy we experience in these moments of self-forgetting is our true nature, our native state. To regain it, we have simply to empty ourselves of what hides this joy: that is, to stop dwelling on ourselves. To the extent that we are not full of ourselves, God can fill us. “If you go out of yourself,” says Johannes Tauler, “without doubt he shall go in, and there will be much or little of his entering in according to how much or little you go out.”
~~Eknath Easwaran

Wow. I love that. Thanks, Jan.

That's it for now. Best to you all....


Rev SS said…
Glad you're going to have more time .. prayers for health sufficient for the trip ... and I love quote from Jan!
Jennifer said…
There's a lot going on in your life.
Continuing to pray that your health issues get resolved...
Terri said…
I just missed that weather in N. Texas. Drove through the Panhandle on Monday night/Tuesday morning (3/3)...the car registered 13 degrees outside at 2am....

I hope you feel better soon and are off enjoying a retreat.

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