A Reflection on Time, Patterns, Cycles

Both of the speakers at the Five Day Academy emphasized, in different ways, the patterns/cycles of our lives. Here's something I wrote in response during one of the silent times:

Time has stopped this week...

Strange intersection of exhaustion on multiple levels and the mysterious energy arising from openness to God's nudgings...Somehow together the dynamic between them has bestowed upon me a taste of the eternal...

Liz and Robert and their talk of patterns, cycles ~ always intriguing for an existentialist like me...

The pattern of time and eternity...

The pattern of our lives taken, blessed, broken, and shared...

The Psalms invite us to see our cycle of orientation, disorientation, and new orientation, where, yes, we do return to the beginning and know it for the first time...

Creation itself here at this beautiful place, with winter on the march to spring and summer and back again to the cocoon of winter that will follow next year...

Sunrise out of darkness...
Resurrection from crucifixion...

Covenant groups bearing witness to Encounter, Reflection, and the miracle of Transformation and new life...

Patterns that stabilize time even while upsetting it through the inevitability of change...

The mystery of time and patterns deepens for me here in this place...

Perhaps paradox undergirds them both...a creative tension...a friction between opposites giving birth to the energy necessary to move me forward in time...while in no way diminishing eternity.

Oh, in this quiet moment, with the hawks freefalling through the sky above me, I hear the wind through the trees and the water lapping the shoreline, sounds unchanged since Jesus heard them centuries before.

What is the new season before me?


RevDrKate said…
So much here resonates for me, "...orientation, disorientation, and new orientation"..."a friction between opposites giving birth to the energy necessary to move me forward in time..." all just speak to my heart. Thank you so much.

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