The will to courage

I've never felt particularly called to prophetic ministry, but maybe we all are. I do so want to be a person willing to be courageous.

Thanks to Jan for the amazing image. (Double click to enlarge.)


Jan said…
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Jan said…
Katherine, I think of you as a courageous person. I have that wish, too, which goes along with a poster at this post, which I tried to link, but it didn't work--so it's on Oct. 6 on "Purpose: Change the World!" Sorry I didn't figure out how to put the link there to make it easier to look the poster up.
Jan said…
That's an image I'd like to live in to! I think you are!
Jennifer said…
I'm way behind on reading blogs I love (ex: yours).
Thanks for so many thoughtful posts.
I'm glad you're just a post away.
Hope things are going better....
Diane M. Roth said…
I might need to borrow this image soon. not sure how to do it yet, but...
Katherine E. said…
Thank you, Jan. Very very much. You are enCouraging me.

Jiff, good to hear from you!

Diane, all I did was copy, right-click, the image from Jan's blog to my desktop. Then when I wrote my post I was able to copy it from there. Not sure if that's the best way to do it, but it worked in this case!

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