The Four Meme

Tagged by PS @ Purpletologically Speaking

Four jobs I've held:
Store clerk
Technical writer
Administrative supervisor

Four films I could watch over and over:
Dead Poets Society
Good Will Hunting
Sense and Sensibility

Four TV shows I watch:
The Office
Ugly Betty (every episode, I LOL at least once!)
News Hour
Hmm...can't think of another one!

Four places I've lived:
Fort Worth
San Antonio

Four favorite foods: (assuming there are no fat grams or calories...right?)
Grilled salmon
Chicken & dumplings
Mashed potatoes

Four websites I visit every day:
My favorite blogs
My email accounts
...that's it...

Four favorite colors:
Navy blue
Hot pink

Four places I would love to be right now: with D--
Some luxurious hotel in New York City
New England, touring the Fall leaves
Lake Louise, Banff
Pacific Northwest, in a B&B near the water

Four names I love but would/could not use for my children:


Diane M. Roth said…
we're dreaming of NYC right now!
There is something about the NW area in the US and Canada that lures us in...I'm there in my dreams
Anonymous said…
Admit it. You also watch "Battlestar Galactica." Why are you ashamed to admit it?

Guess who.
Katherine E. said…
Oh, you are SOOO right! I forgot, but it's true... I LOVE BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. If FIREFLY was still on, I'd list that, too.

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