Courage to Lead

I'm off this morning to the last of our Courage to Lead retreats/workshops. It's been a series of five, although I missed our summer gathering. Courage and Renewal comes from the work of Parker Palmer. If you haven't read "The Courage to Teach" or "Let Your Life Speak," please do; they are wonderful. He's all about authenticity. In fact, the tagline for Courage to Lead is "Reconnecting What You Do with Who You Are."

I'm looking forward to this time away. I'm coming down now from a very hectic couple of weeks in which time has seemed so very compressed. I preached yesterday, and it was good, but after the handshaking at the door at the conclusion of the service, I went to my office and found myself suddenly crying. No reason. Just tension-relief, I guess. Anyway, this time away will be good. Not only are the retreats well done and the participants congenial and interesting, but the retreat center itself is first-class. I'll be able to relax, and hopefully, do some good reflection and learning.


Have a wonderful time and thanks for thinking about me. Looking forward to reading about your experience.
Jan said…
Wishing you a restful and restorative time on retreat. Thanks for suggesting Parker Palmer's books to us.
Jan said…
Katherine, I miss you!

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