My health

I found out this week why I keep getting respiratory problems (four times since December: pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma): my immune system is weakened. The "immunoglobulin A" is low and the doc says that's the reason I'm in the vicious cycle of infection, feeling better, another infection, etc. She says "We have to get you rested." Which makes perfect sense because I come home and just collapse.

We leave on vacation Wednesday morning---pretty good timing! Visiting my inlaws in Georgia is a great thing...I can just relax and take it easy.


Rev SS said…
Okay ... do please rest and get well.
Linda said…
Rest up, Katherine. I hope the trip offers just what you need.
Jan said…
I'm glad the doc found the source of all your illnesses. Ever since JT forwarded the email sent to your lectio group about your health, I've been worrying about you, Katherine. I'm glad you'll be off from work. Hope the change in scenery is what the doctor ordered. Rest, rest, rest!
Katherine E. said…
Thanks, you guys. (That was nice of JT to do that. Tell her thanks, Jan.) Yesterday was one of those 12-hour days--not surprisingly, I feel today like I've been run over. Vacation can't come too soon!

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