Frederick Buechner II: Original Selves

“Life batters and shapes us in all sorts of ways before it’s done, but those original selves still echo with the holiness of their origin. What Genesis suggests is that this original self, with God’s thumb-print still upon it, is the most essential part of who we are – buried deep down, it’s our source of wisdom, strength and healing. Our truest prayers come from there, the often unspoken, unbidden prayers that rise out of [the circumstances of our] lives. From there also come our best dreams and hopes, our times of gladdest playing, and all those moments when we find ourselves being better or braver or wiser than we otherwise may have been."


RevDrKate said…
This is a wonderful end to a day that had conversations about authenticity, and a Bible study on John 17...what it means to be deeply one/whole. Thanks.
Jan said…
I don't think I've read this from Buechner before, and I've read a lot of Buechner. Too true. It reminds me of what a friend's pastor husband used to say about God--that when we get to heaven, we'll be asked,"Why weren't you YOU?" "Why wasn't I Jan?" "Why weren't you Katherine?" Thanks for the good quote.
Our original self...I like that. Many others use True Self, etc. But, this original self really strikes a chord with me. Thanks for sharing. What work of Buechner did this come from?
Katherine E. said…
Hmmm, bad memory strikes again, PS, but I'll find it for you.

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