God's Presence Today

How was God present to me today? How was I present to God today?
  • I felt such gratitude as I saw one of my clients walk through the door today. I've been concerned about her.
  • My stepson said he felt good about his job interview today. Again, I am grateful to God for that.
  • TS, a man who is homeless and who comes by the church regularly, rang the bell this morning. I haven't seen him in over a month. When I went to the door, I said, "May I help you?" He had to speak to me before I recognized him. All his long shaggy hair and long beard were completely gone! Goodness! He looked great! The look on my face obviously told of my shock. He smiled a great big smile and said, "It's me, Katherine! I've been in jail! Look at this--" And he pointed to his stomach which was actually pooching out a bit, from its normal concave look. Jail's bad, but at least he was able to eat enough every day to gain some weight! All the charges against him were dropped, and while he was in jail he started reading his Bible again. I'm praying this is real new start for him. I've always liked him. We talked about a plan for a new beginning, a conversation which didn't go anywhere, but I gave him some money and told him to come back when the senior minister can talk to him about some opportunity for work. Hopefully we can help with practical matters for him. God bless him. He certainly blessed me today.
  • My client said "your office, this beautiful church, is my santuary. I can't wait to come here."
  • When I called one of my parishioners today, SC, her response after I identified myself was full of delight at hearing my voice. I felt held. She incarnated Christ for me. Same thing with one of our church volunteers who gave me a wonderful, heartful hug this afternoon when she came in to work in the office.
  • Another client brought me a little gift from her vacation in Hawaii. So thoughtful and kind. This young woman embodies the spirit of Christ's generosity and love, and each time she comes in I am so blessed by her presence.
  • D just called to say goodnight. When I called to say good-morning to him earlier, he said he was just reaching into this pocket for his phone to call me. He called me on his morning walk. I called him on my afternoon break. We don't always do that. It's not necessary. It's just that today, as I reflect on God's presence in my life, I know that it is God who inspires and sustains the human connections of love that matter like that.
  • As I continue my reflections tonight, perhaps it is the presence of God reminding me also that the pressure I'm beginning to feel already to get things done (oh! a million things!) even with just one day back from vacation, that pressure is really coming from my fear of being criticized. And if I listen to God...yes, if I listen to God, what is God probably saying? ... ... probably something like ... ... something like: Katherine, if something doesn't get done, or doesn't get done perfectly, it's OK. You are still a lovable person. You are still my beloved daughter. Soooooo, turn off your computer, turn off your light, go to sleep, and rest easy. All is well.


Gannet Girl said…
That is one lovely examen.
Jan said…
You wrote: "It's just that today, as I reflect on God's presence in my life, I know that it is God who inspires and sustains the human connections of love that matter like that." That's about you and D calling each other at the same times. It also makes me remember that when I follow those nudges, I am blessed. I need to follow them more often. Thank you for sharing your reflections with us, Katherine. Love to you.

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