Preaching this morning

I'm preaching this morning. The scripture is the story of Jesus meeting the widow of Nain at the town gate and raising her dead son to new life. He has "compassion" on her and so brings new life to her son, and to her. Compassion is near the very center of my value system, so I chose to focus on that. I just hope the sermon comes close to conveying both the difficulty and the 'giftedness' of compassion. May God be worshipped this morning.


Gannet Girl said…
Thank you for visiting my blog; do you go to Chautauqua?

May your morning be filled with grace.
Jan said…
Katherine, I wish I could be in your congregation this morning to hear you preach. The widow of Nain is a favorite of mine.

I treasure the way Jesus noticed her in the crowds of both mourners and his followers. She said nothing, but he knew the devestation she felt--loss of beloved, loss of family, loss of monetary support, and loss of all status in society. With her son's death, she was a "nobody." Jesus saw that and irregardless of the Law and those demanding his attention, he immediately saw and acted out of love to restore her son and her to Life.

Thank you, Katherine
Katherine E. said…
GG, I've never been to Chautauqua, but have always wanted to spend one or two weeks there. It's always sounded like a bit of heaven on earth to me. Concerts, lectures, good sermons, all in what must be a beautiful setting. Ah, well, maybe one day I'll make there... Thanks.

Jan, it's been so great being able to "talk" to you this way. Thanks for posting like you do. Blogging carries an inherent risk of being kind of narcissistic--or at least it feels that way to me, but when people post (as a friend of mine pointed out when I started doing this) there's a real opportunity for dialogue. A good thing. So, thanks!....

The sermon went well this morning. It's the second time I've preached on this scripture. Like you, I love the story more and more....

Yes, I know Ruben H. He was my Zen teacher for over a year, and I've kept up with him since then through friends. He's an amazing human being, someone without whom my life would probably be very different today (and not for the better). A true gift to me on my life's journey.

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