My Saturday

A couple of days ago my back starting hurting with the same pain I felt with the compression fracture. I had thought that was healed (from staying in bed for so long with respiratory crud a couple of weeks ago), so I'm a bit concerned. My concern led me to stay in bed most of yesterday, blogging and reading blogs -- it was a good way to spend my day off. I did take all three kids to lunch, and we went out last night for a movie: Fantastic Four. (D loves all the action hero comic book movies. I'm not particularly fond of that genre, but as they go, this last Fantastic Four movie wasn't bad. It helps when they're meant to be funny.)

Anyway, today will be a test. I'm standing up to cook all morning--chicken and dumplings for lunch. It's for Father's Day, a bit late, since Beautiful Genuine Drummer Girl was in Small City to the South last weekend and Lovely Passionate Feminist had to work that Sunday. We'll see how I fare.

After that special lunch we're driving to Big City to the East to see the musical Spam-A-Lot. Looking forward to the day, hopefully a pain-in-the-back-free one!

Irritating Pet is meowing...better go see what's happening!
Happy Saturday, fellow bloggers!


Jan said…
Katherine, I hope your back feels better with all your cooking and doing today! Chicken and dumplings makes me think of chicken pot pie, which is what my visiting 22 year old son BJ wants me to make. You may inspire me to do so now. . . .Enjoy your day with loved ones!
Unknown said…
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Jan said…
Katherine, how do you label and sort blogs? I see your friends and you do this, but I have no idea how you figured it out! Thanks.
Katherine E. said…
Hi Jan
On the Dashboard I chose Edit Posts. Then I put a check mark in the blog I wanted to label. There's a little box with a pulldown menu right above where all the blogs are listed. It says Label Action or something like that. One of the options is New Label, and that's where I created each new label. It automatically alphabetizes them. There's also an option for putting them on the main page of your blog--under Template, I think.
Gannet Girl said…
Hope you made it through the day --
Diane M. Roth said…
yes, I hope it was an awesome day. Sounds full and beautiful.
Diane M. Roth said…
I hope your back turns out to be ok, Katherine. I had some of that about a month ago, and I thought it would never go away.
Katherine E. said…
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Katherine E. said…
Thanks for the good wishes. Appreciate it! My back held up pretty well, and we all had a good day. Spam-a-lot is really funny.

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