The dying man and Love of ministry

I got to spend some time yesterday with a family who's father/husband is near death. He's almost 90. They've moved his bed out to the family room in front of a big picture window looking out into the back yard where they have a pond and waterfall and lots of beautiful trees. As I stood there yesterday I saw several different types of birds, squirrels, a neighborhood cat. Really lovely.

When I arrived yesterday the hospice nurse was telling the wife that her husband's condition was worsening. She, the wife, had greeted me at the door in tears and the tears continued freely as the nurse spoke to her. She's very tired; it's already been an ordeal.

The wife and the daughter and I sat in the living room and they told me stories of the dying man. Great stories. He's been a caring dad and husband. We laughed and carried on. Important grief work, and good.

I don't know this man. My prayer is that he has "heard the Way" (see bottom of page). He seems content to die, so my assumption is that he indeed has, in whatever form and shape that has taken in his unique life.

I love being a minister. Thank you, God.


Jan said…
Thank you, Katherine. I'm glad you are a minister, too. I like the image of you and the family talking about this loving man.

I just recently read "Healing Breath" and was amazed to find a quote of the author's at the bottom of your homepage. Have you ever met the author, since he is a professor at SMU?

Let's make a date to call each other to talk about that book, among other things, ok?
Gannet Girl said…
Thank you for sharing this.
Unknown said…
You are clearly in the right place, doing the right thing. Thanks be to God!
Katherine E. said…
Gannet Girl and Songbird, thanks so much!

Jan, yes indeed! Maybe we can email and set up a time...

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