Friday Five. Camping out? I don't think so...

The Friday Five from RevGalBlogPals:

Mother Laura writes: "We're settling into our new new apartment, and after a lifetime at Montessori Katie is having a fantastic summer at YMCA day camp. ....So, in celebration of summer, please share your own memories and preferences about camp."

1. Did you go to sleep away camp, or day camp, as a child? Wish you could? Or sometimes wish you hadn't?
Never did. We weren't church folks and I guess we didn't have the money, either. My mom's idea of camping out was when the electricity blew.

2. How about camping out? Dream vacation, nightmare, or somewhere in between?
It's just never been on my radar. I don't like bugs. I don't like hot weather. I do like nice soft comfortable mattresses. If we could find someplace with a nice cool breeze, that sounds great.

3. Have you ever worked as a camp counselor, or been to a camp for your denomination for either work or pleasure?
I never have and I never will. I did go to my denominiation's camp once for a Singles Event back maybe 15 years ago. Lumpy beds. Giant water-bugs, poor food, and the heat sent me home a day early. That was the last time I've been there!

4. Most dramatic memory of camp, or camping out?
see above!

5. What is your favorite camp song or songs? Hmmm, Kum-ba-ya, I guess!


Sally said…
love it- there is nothing wrong with enjoying comfort, as a one time camper I am heading that way!
Jan said…
Katherine, we always have so much in common! I so echo your sentiments. I'm glad to know that we're not camping together.
You're the most anti-camp so far--though I guess Jan shares your feelings! Nice change of pace :-).
Auntie Knickers said…
Camp isn't for everybody, I guess. And better to skip it if you don't like it! I hope you can have some nature experiences that end with a decent mattress and indoor plumbing, though. (And cool breezes.)
Mary Beth said…
Lumpy beds stink.
Terri said…
I've camped...not much about it I really like..well except perhaps the deep dark night sky and stars...WOW....

but give me a comfy place to sleep, a bathroom and shower....and coffee in the morning...and I'm good. (see, I'm so easy and flexible....LOL)....

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