Sunday evening gratitude

I cried a lot today. I was holding it together pretty well until Marilyn, one of the 'saints' of the church, stepped up during the good-bye reception. She was all choked up and couldn't get any words out. As we embraced I lost it. She's one of about three older women in the church who have been wonderful "mothers" to me. So loving, so accepting, so encouraging, and in Marilyn's case, soooo funny. What a great sense of humor she has, so to see her crying and unable to speak at all just sent me over the edge. I had to go to my office and compose myself a bit.

Lovely reception. The church gave me a museum copy beautiful red etched glass vase. Really breathtaking. I love it.

So many hugs, tears, smiles, laughs, gifts and cards. I am so very grateful.

Tomorrow...a new job...a new congregation...a new beginning.


Jan said…
What a bittersweet day for you. Those "mothers" of the church are dear. You can still be friends! The vase sounds lovely.

Now on to a new chapter in your life!
RevDrKate said…
I am so loving your gratitude posts. Blessings on the new beginning.
steve said…
It sounds like their reaction is a testament to how much they valued your work and presence. Best wishes to you as you begin your new ministry.

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