Five Day Academy -- SOON!!!!

It's Five-Day Academy time again. Next week I'm off to Prothro Retreat Center near Lake Texoma.

Thank goodness!

I'm so ready for a change of scenery, to be able to take long walks, naps in the afternoon, sit and look at the lovely lake, walk the labyrinth, be with some dear soul-friends, learn something new about Christian history and Christian spiritual discernment, worship three times a day. Oh, I am ready!

Feeling pretty grateful that we have the money for me to do this. I wish everyone did. This economy just keeps getting worse and worse.
Feel like I need to fast from NPR for a while.


Jennifer said…
Hooray for you! Have a wonderful academy!
Jan said…
So glad you'll be going.

Fasting from NPR (and news) sounds like a possibility. . . .

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