A Little Giddy at Happy News

We've had some absolutely WONDERFUL news this weekend:
Young Man with Integrity is getting married!!

He's marrying J, the Inherently Irrational Rationalist (title of her blog), whose little two-year-old is Little M.

David and I have called ourselves grandparents of Little M for a while now, but I guess we can look forward to a "more official" grandparenthood.


The wedding will be later this year sometime, and they have asked me and David to officiate. David just wants to do a blessing at the end, so I'm more than delighted to be able to perform this role for my wonderful stepson and his soon-to-be wife. They are a good match. Readers of this blog know that Young Man with Integrity is brilliant, sensitive, uniquely his own person, kind and caring, hardworking, and one whom I fully expect will one day contribute powerfully to making this world a better place. He majored in political science and plans on law school. Girlfriend and soon to be daughter-in-law J is, at 23, one of the deepest thinkers I know. I love reading her blog...she's painfully honest, the kind of honesty that always gives birth to spiritual growth. She's funny and strong and able to love deeply. Young Man with Integrity has chosen well.

I am just SO excited! When they told us yesterday I admit to getting a little giddy. Oh! Let's make this dinner together tonight an Engagement Celebration Dinner! Oh! Where's the good china? Candles...Centerpiece...Let's open a bottle of champagne! Let's toast them! (3 times) Let's find out what they want for an engagement present! Where do you want the wedding? How big do you want it to be? On and on and on I went. I know I just about drove them crazy. As they were leaving, walking out the door, Young Man with Integrity says to me, with this kinda bemused, kinda happy, kinda teasing, but also worn-out look on his face: Don't make me regret this, Katherine. ha!
image from freerangecards.com


Terri said…
oh so exciting! and wonderful....
Diane M. Roth said…
yes, so exciting! I'm looking forward to when this sort of news happens for us...
How wonderful. Congratulations to all.
Jan said…
This is so wonderful! Such happy news! Blessings and congratulations to all.
Rev SS said…
Very Exciting! Congratulations to all of you.
Sylphstorm said…
Oh, thank you. It'll be fun.
Jan said…
There's a friend award for you at my blog, my friend.
Terri said…
there is an award for you at my blog....
Jennifer said…
Not to be left out, there's an award for you at MY place!

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