Asked to Teach

Freezing rain. Icy roads. YIPPEE! A FREE DAY!

Time today to do some work on my United Church of Christ History paper--I need to get that into the Committee on Ministry so that the UCC can make my ordination one of theirs (so to speak).

Time today also (I hope) to do some initial planning on the class I've been asked to teach at the university seminary from which I graduated. Guess you'll be able to call me an "Adjunct Professor" in the Fall. I'm pretty excited about being asked to do that. They want me to teach "Spirituality and Psychotherapy" for the Fall, and either the "Intro to Pastoral Care" class or an elective class next Spring.

I'm looking forward to the experience of teaching as an extension of my ministry. I'm even looking forward to preparing the classes--I'll learn a lot, I'm sure!

It's not a sure-thing yet. I suppose that if we can't work out a time in which the class will meet that fits my schedule, the whole thing could go ka-put! But my church is pretty flexible, and I can get my part-time hours in by working on Thursdays (my normal day off) if need be.


What a great opportunity. The students will be richly blessed.
Paula said…
Congratulations on being asked to teach! That is very exciting :) and I am sure you will do a wonderful job.
Unknown said…
Ah, so to speak! Blessings on both your paper and your future teaching.
Jan said…
Glad you're cozy inside with the cold weather out there! We're still waiting for the somewhat weakened front to arrive here. . . .

So glad you'll have this opportunity. I would love to be taught by you!
Jennifer said…
What wisdom and discernment on the university's part. Teaching is such a joy. You'll be a great blessing to your students.
Linda said…
EXCELLENT! They have chosen wisely! Congrats on the opportunity to teach.

Just wondering if you have heard anything about Andy L. this week.
Rev SS said…
What a wonderful opportunity! Congrats.

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