Blogging Friends!

It's so funny (and wonderful) that I've been given a Blogging Friend Award by Jan and by Mompriest and by Jennifer at the very moment that my blog has been the vehicle to reconnecting me with an old and dear friend, KC, who (somehow) found MeaningAndAuthenticity and emailed me!

KC and are met at the oil company that I worked at for 14 years. She was the IT person assigned to support my department, and we just became fast friends. I can't remember how long she stayed with this company. She met GC and they married, and then moved to Austin where she worked for Dell. He had a great job, too and they were able to retire early and have now built a fabulous home in the Texas hill country. Wow.

I remember going to visit them once in Austin. We went to see a movie, Dead Poets Society--a movie which is always at the top of my list when the talk turns to favorite movies. That visit was so much fun; I remember talking politics and religion and music and movies--KC is one of those people who is just totally interested in life. I love that.

KC, I can tell from your emails that you still have that incredible "taking in" of life. So great. Your life just sounds wonderful--and I'd love to see your home someday.

KC's email reminded me of the importance of relationships. And the great vehicle afforded by blogging for renewing and making friends. For most of my blogging 'career,' so to speak, Jan and Linda were my only IRL I have several others, and I tell ya, it's so much fun! Anyway, here is the Friends Award info:

The Friends Award isn't about being the most popular blogger or having the most read blog. It is just because you consider the author a friend. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

OK, so here goes, (not including Jan or Mompriest or Jennifer):

Gannet Girl

Kathy, if you'd ever post again, I'd name you,too !!


Jan said…
Yay, Katherine! You are a true friend to me and obviously to others. I wish Kathy would post again, too! So glad you and KC are connected again. The internet can be a way of bringing people together, if not depended upon for all interaction!
Thank you Katherine...such a nice surprise.
Jennifer said…
Maing new freinds and reuniting with old freinds is such a treat-- icing on tyhe cake for typing away, eh?
RJ said…
What a totally delight treat. Thank you very much. I, too, have found making connections in this way to be soul food on this strange journey. Thank you for including me... and blessings to you!
Gannet Girl said…
Thank you!

I like your friend's blog, too.
Sylphstorm said…
Thank you so much!

I would nominate others, but I don't follow enough blogs on here, frankly. Most of the ones I follow are elsewhere - but this a good list of blogs to check out.

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