Vacation in the Ozarks

View from our front porch...

Vacation was wonderful. Very relaxing....the condo turned out to be everything (and more) that we'd hoped. When David and I first saw it and walked up to the front door, we were both a bit stunned by the beauty of the setting. It was perfect.

We did little touristy things near Eureka Springs in the mornings. Afternoons and evenings were spent reading and relaxing together. David is a fabulous cook--we didn't eat in a restaurant a single time. Sat out on the front porch watching the lake, the birds, keeping an eye out for deer and other wildlife, listening to the wind and the silence. Ahhhhh!

Here are a few more pics:
David on the trail...

I don't know what these are...any ideas? They looked like blueberries...

I'm hamming it up at the top of our HIKE near Beaver Lake Dam.

This is Blue Springs (in Heritage Park...really lovely)

And the best part of all? I still don't have to go back to work until Sunday! A whole week (well, most of it...I do have a couple of clients to see) to do with what I want! Yippee!!!


Anonymous said…
I think the plant you are asking about is a mahonia .... we have them here in Virginia. What a beautiful setting!
Diane M. Roth said…
what beautiful vacation pictures! makes me want to visit!
Terri said…
Wow....what a lovely way to spend your vacation and, wasn't this also your 5th wedding anniversary?
Katherine E. said…
Yes, fifth anniversary trip!
Carolyn said…
Wow! Katherine, thanks for sending the pictures. What an awe-inspiring setting. I'm happy that you found such a special place. Congratulations to you and David on five years of marriage!! It will just get better and better. CCW
Rev SS said…
Happy Anniversary ... and thanks for sharing the great pics!

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