A Sunday Evening Psalm Prayer

From Thomas Merton's A Book of Hours:

Psalm Prayer
I entered into the everlasting movement of that gravitation which is the very life and spirit of God: God's own gravitation towards the depth of God's own infinite nature, God's goodness without end. And God, that center who is everywhere, and whose circumference is nowhere, finding me, through incorporation with Christ, incorporated into this immense and tremendous gravitational movement which is love, which is the Holy Spirit, loved me. And God called out to me from God's own immense depths. Silence


The gravitational pull...love the image...thanks Merton...and thanks Katherine.
D said…

i see we are both new to the cc blog network. welcome!

Terri said…
I applied to the CC network, won't get a review until next week...this is a lovely prayer...
Jan said…
Beautiful, beautiful. Thank you, Katherine.

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