Coming Home and Something New on my Blog

I'm home!

We drove straight through. Twelve hours from Pensacola. The girls slept a good portion of the way in the back seat. I relieved D as driver for about an hour, but then found my eyelids closing of their own accord. The rest of the time I played FreeCell on my computer. Over 80 games I played. Yup.

That was Saturday. Sunday I drove into church, thinking how eager I was to be there. After church it was back home to meet a couple of friends. The three of us drove to San Antonio where we stayed until Wednesday this week -- Yes, I've had my share of being in the car for a while!

Vacation was a dream--I'll post some pictures below. And so was San Antonio, where I participated in the reunion of my Courage to Lead group. "Oasis in the Desert through a Circle of Trust" was the theme. Think about it: How often to we get to be part of a group of

people who are all there in order to provide a safe place for the soul to show up? Parker Palmer likens the soul to a wild animal, independent and strong, but shy, too. A wild animal will stop and examine a place before it shows itself openly. Circles of Trust are specifically designed to be a safe place for people to be REAL with each other. I absolutely loved it! So much so that I volunteered to be a co-leader next time we gather. (As if I have the time. Oh well.)

Something New:
You'll notice my CCBLOGS logo at the top of my blog. In reading Songbird one day last month I noticed the logo there, so I went to investigate. It's The Christian Century! CC is hosting its own blogs, so I decided to inquire about it. Gordon Atkinson (Real Live Preacher) is the host/manager. I'm excited to be part of that group!

Pensacola sunrise

The Beach (taken from the balcony of our condo)

Lightning strike (taken near the entrance to the condo)

Pensacola sunset


Welcome home! Can hardly wait to see you. I'm hoping you still have the fragrance of the sand and sea and ocean breezes.
Gannet Girl said…
It looks like it was an incredible vacation!
Terri said…
really beautiful photos...and sounds like a nice vacation...
Diane M. Roth said…
good for you to be part of CC Blogs. I would like to as well, but I guess it's not to be.
Jan said…
Welcome home! I always love seeing pictures of you, especially with friends and family. I noticed your CC icon while I was in WA State and wondered if you had joined their network. Good for you!!

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