Coming Home and Something New on my Blog
We drove straight through. Twelve hours from Pensacola. The girls slept a good portion of the way in the back seat. I relieved D as driver for about an hour, but then found my eyelids closing of their own accord. The rest of the time I played FreeCell on my computer. Over 80 games I played. Yup.
That was Saturday. Sunday I drove into church, thinking how eager I was to be there. After church it was back home to meet a couple of friends. The three of us drove to San Antonio where we stayed until Wednesday this week -- Yes, I've had my share of being in the car for a while!
Vacation was a dream--I'll post some pictures below. And so was San Antonio, where I participated in the reunion of my Courage to Lead group. "Oasis in the Desert through a Circle of Trust" was the theme. Think about it: How often to we get to be part of a group of
people who are all there in order to provide a safe place for the soul to show up? Parker Palmer likens the soul to a wild animal, independent and strong, but shy, too. A wild animal will stop and examine a place before it shows itself openly. Circles of Trust are specifically designed to be a safe place for people to be REAL with each other. I absolutely loved it! So much so that I volunteered to be a co-leader next time we gather. (As if I have the time. Oh well.)
Something New:
You'll notice my CCBLOGS logo at the top of my blog. In reading Songbird one day last month I noticed the logo there, so I went to investigate. It's The Christian Century! CC is hosting its own blogs, so I decided to inquire about it. Gordon Atkinson (Real Live Preacher) is the host/manager. I'm excited to be part of that group!
Pensacola sunrise
The Beach (taken from the balcony of our condo)
Lightning strike (taken near the entrance to the condo)
Pensacola sunset