Courage to move forward

I'm preaching on hospitality this Sunday--Abraham and the three visitors. But I'm using Psalm 85 (truth and mercy meeting, righteousness and peace kissing) as quoted by General Lowenheilm in Babette's Feast as my main example of the possibilities evoked through true Christian hospitality.

It's difficult to be open and trusting of other people. We're so programmed to categorize and judge. I find myself doing that now with a couple of people in my life. As much as I want to allow and receive the unique gift each person may give me, there are many supposed "upsides" to knowing and certainty. Upsides to my false ego mostly. The results of cultural constructions foisted upon me without my awareness years ago.

That's one awareness I've had lately. But lately, also, I've been feeling some unrest. This morning was suppose to be spent finishing the sermon, then tackling one of about a dozen other things on my Action Items list. Instead, alone in the house, I went into the living room and watched some stupid show on television. I hate it when I do that. Feels like such an utter waste. So why did I do it?

I did it so I wouldn't have to confront this restlessness within me. What is the Spirit saying to me? I'm concerned that I'm once again getting sick--no energy yesterday and coughing a lot. So even if I listen to the Spirit, will I have enough life in me to follow through?

Newness always brings risk.

I'm praying for the courage to move forward.


Jan said…
Katherine, you are in my prayers. I hope you're not getting sick.
Diane M. Roth said…
hoping you are experiencing some movement...
Terri said…
Oh, I hope you aren't getting sick...sometimes I think I lose myself in mindless TV when I am too tired to do anything else and need to shut down for order to start up again...and sometimes really good stuff comes up later...

well...I hope you are well!
Jennifer said…
I preached on hosptiality, too.
How are you feeling?
Blessings to you....
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