My Free Wednesday Morning

Today is really my first "free" Wednesdsay morning since I worked myself out of that little $15/hour clerical job. That was about a month ago, but since then I've either been out of town or had some big "to do" hanging over me.

Oh, this feels good.

I have lots of options for what to do with my free a little more marketing of my pastoral counseling/spiritual direction practice, research what I want to write (I've decided to try to write some essays for publication), organize my workspace, do a load of clothes, just read and/or journal, walk down to my aunt & uncle's house for a little visit -- Oh! the list is endless!!! Yippee!!!

If I decide to read and journal, I'll post some more this morning. Otherwise, Happy Wednesday to you all!


Linda said…
Enjoy the morning, whatever you decide to do with it!
Jennifer said…
It sounds so good!
I know you'll decide well...
Jan said…
Hope you enjoyed your Wednesday. I get that way with too many options, as I always want to do everything. And that's why I have never written my final scholarly papers for my master's. And now I don't care too much anymore.

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