
Lovely Passionate Feminist is home sick today. We drove up to Small City to the North and brought her home with us yesterday so that she could start to heal and feel better in her comfortable bed here at home. It's some kind of stomach flu, or food-poisoning (but the docs at the university's clinic said she was contagious--can food poisoning be contagious?) Anyway, she's feeling very puny and our hearts are surrounding her with love.

In other news ... I'm still living life in warp-speed. Oh, so much to get done! But I decided to listen to my friends who have been nudging me to attend this year's Five-Day Academy for Spiritual Formation in our area. This is the retreat that I led last year--well, not really. I was suppose to lead it, but went home sick on the 2nd day with pneumonia. Anyway, this year I'm just going to attend it, be there for five days with no responsibilities at all, enjoying some of my dearest friends, engaging lectures, and an absolutely beautiful setting on Lake Texoma. It's March 9-14, right before Palm Sunday, but what the heck! I haven't had a break since all the hullabaloo at my previous church (having ended there on a Sunday and started working at my new church the next day!).

...Jan, at Yearning for God, is coming home tomorrow from Maryland and her Shalem retreat. Welcome home, Jan--one day early!

...I just finished writing another essay for Feminist Theology Blog. It won't be posted for a while, I'm sure, since Mompriest is probably in a huge whirlwind of transitions, but take a look at the blog anyway. There are intriguing essays by Laura at Junia's Daughter, Kate at Prairie Light, Jackie and Margaret whose blogs I don't know, and Mompriest's own Seeking Authentic Voice. Enjoy!


The retreat sounds marvelous. Glad you are going after this whirlwind time.
Diane M. Roth said…
yes, and I need to do more with your wonderful Feminist Theology Blog!
Rev SS said…
Have a wonderful, well-deserved, retreat.
Jan said…
Thanks for welcoming me home--nice to be thought of! The Five Day Spiritual Academy will be a good thing for you to go to--no pneumonia or illness this year, ok? Hope LFP feels better soon.
Jennifer said…
It's great to have the retreat to look forward to.
I hope it's everything you hope it will be....

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