The results

Looks like Clinton and Obama are pretty much tied, which makes the Texas primary more important. I had hoped that Obama would really pull away yesterday, but . . .

When I think of Clinton in the White House I do have some misgivings. It just seems that it will be politics-as-usual, deeper polarizations, the Republicans going after her with their nastiness in full gear. I worry that she will let the war continue. Of course, with Clinton in the White House more attention will be paid to the needs of children, and for whatever good she can do in that area (and many others), I will be grateful. Plus, there is the feeling I will have ~ I know it will be there ~ of having a woman as president. My heart will be full. Little girls all over the world so need to see this. We ALL need to see this.

When I think of Obama in the White House, I have more hope. He will reach out to Republicans, and those who really do put their country before their egos will respond positively. The country can start moving forward again. After reading some of the commentary this morning, I admit to some fear that ultra conservatives (read: racists) will really start to cause some horrible problems for Obama. I pray for his protection. And I pray that his message of hope and reconciliation will simply overcome them, drowning out their hateful voices, and that HE WILL WIN IN NOVEMBER. YES!!!


Linda said…
I feel pretty much the same way. In terms of the issues that I'm most concerned about personally, I would be fine with either Clinton or Obama, but I think for us to overcome the polarizations, we're going to have to get away from dynasty building or the appearance of it. That trend in the past 15 years, I believe, has contributed to the divisive tone that is prevalent in politics today.

I was hoping Obama would come out more clearly ahead today too, and was disappointed that he didn't do better in my state, but this little picture helped put some things in perspective: The analysis I've read this morning indicates that the split between he and Clinton could very well end up favoring him. He did, after all, win more states than Clinton did. The gains he's made in the middle states is crucial. If that trend continues, I remain optimistic that he'll get the nomination.
Terri said…
oh...I am just not so sure about Obama...I think his time is yet to come, not now. I like him, but I'm not sold...I think he has been swept away by the dream and has lost sight of reality...think about it - 8 years of Clinton followed by 8 years of Obama...that is heaven to me...


I am all for Clinton and feel horrible that we have to choose between this brilliant man and this ready, experienced, and gifted stinks.
RevDrKate said…
I do agree with you Katherine. I know they are both such fine leaders, and it is hard to make the choice....but it is that HOPE that draws me in....
Rev SS said…
I'm with you all the way K, L & K .. because of the dynasty thing, because I think Clinton will do women's cause more harm than good ... because I believe Obama is more in touch with reality and is running for the right reasons ... and, I too fear for his safety. God have mercy on him ... and on us all!
Jennifer said…
My thoughts exactly, Katherine!
Thank you for always being eloquent and so very thoughtful!
Jennifer said…
PS: I tagged you for a small book meme today....hope you'll play!
(I love your quotes.)

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