That's a lot of talking...

I'm trying to work one full day each week on a lecture I'm scheduled to give in October. Not easy to carve out the time, but yesterday I actually blocked out certain days on my calendar. Doing that helped me realize that I don't have any time to waste if I want to do a good job.

I'll be speaking for a total of 200 minutes, 4 sessions of 50 minutes each.
(Now that I think of it, I'm not sure I've ever been asked to speak for 200 minutes straight like that... in my normal life it would take me, what, probably several DAYS to use up 200 minutes talking. I am definitely not blessed with the gift of gab. I wish I were, but for me, words do not often flow easily.)

When I accepted the invitation to do this lecture it sounded easy enough to put together something on my dissertation. What was I thinking? It's not easy at all. My memory is so bad, I'm having to re-read a lot of the back-up material I used. And then I have to ask myself, what will people really be interested in hearing? The title is "Authenticity: The Gift and Task of Selfhood." Folks probably find authenticity an interesting topic overall, and it is a theological lecture series, so I don't have to "simplify" anything, but I do have to make it easy to follow and give some attention to exactly which aspects of my material to include. I spent eight hours on it yesterday and got about halfway done with a draft of the first session.

200 minutes.


Linda said…
Breathe in. Breathe out. You will do a fabulous job! I wish I could hear the lectures.
Jan said…
I love to hear your talk. You will do so well. Follow Linda's advice and breathe slowly in the assurance of God and breathe out the fears about yourself.
Rev SS said…
I'm sure you'll do very well ... wish I could be there.
RevDrKate said…
Oh I am so empathizing....saying yes, it sounds so do-able, but then...all the work and the wondering....argh! But it will be well. I know from what you write here that you do indeed have someting to say on this subject that is well worth the hearing! I'm impressed with your work plan. Don't forget the rewards!!!!
Terri said…
ditto on all the above. I have never led something like that...yeesh!! Will you have some humor or funny stories to share? Some of the most profound lectures I've been too blend humor with content...

besides if they laugh for a few minutes it cuts down on how much you have to speak...or leave room for some table top or small group conversation? (ok, you didn't ask for suggestions. I'm just musing on what I enjoy when I hear a presentation or lecture, etc.)... Good plan for getting ready.
Jennifer said…
Oh, my!
Can't wait to hear how it all turns out. I just know you'll do beautifully,

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