Finally, a day off!

Finally, a day off! Whew. Senior minister is still at home sick, but he says he's better and will be there Sunday to preach. Thank goodness. Not sure I could find the energy ... Notes from the last two weeks:
  • Beautiful Genuine Drummer Girl has returned to City to the South for the school year. She had to leave early for band camp. D and I are still talking about how we miss her. Lovely Passionate Feminist's last day at her summer job is tomorrow; she moves back to her dorm at the end of next week. Young Man with Integrity has found a job. Although it's sort of tentative at this point, he starts training next week and we're all sure he'll make the cut. Big changes around this household!
  • When senior minister gets back next week and we get some things going again around the office I'm going to schedule some vacation time. I still have two full weeks left.
  • I got a good hair cut and colored my hair last week--no more gray. I look 10 years younger! Well, 5 at least.
  • The freakishly cool rainy summer around here has definitely come to a close. It's been 98 all week; suppose to reach 101 tomorrow.


Jan said…
Katherine, things are looking up! I had my hair colored before this trip and am glad for the feeling I am not as old as I sometimes feel. Your hair must be pretty! Take that vacation or at least definitely pick the dates. The TX temps. make me glad I have a respite from them.
Appointments with my beautician are never to be missed, whether it is the color part or just the cut. I feel like I can take on the world after being there. Glad to hear the life may begin to ease just a bit.

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