News of the week

Yikes, what a week I've had. I promised myself that with a part-time job I would actually work part-time, but that didn't happen this week! Not by a long shot. Every day, including Saturday, it was dawn to dusk.

Good things, though. We've started a Prayer Sponsor Ministry, linking adults to pray for each child and youth in our church. I prepared some resources and put them in a packet, along with each child's profile, photo, etc. And then I prepared a little "certificate" for each child, so they would know who was praying for her/him daily, along with the pray-er's photo. Easy, but time intensive.

I played "The Prophet" in my church's drama group's presentation this morning. In place of the sermon, we did a little play for Pentecost. This acting thing (so to speak) has been my move-out-of-my-comfort-zone project this Spring, and it's turned out to be fun.

I decorated Adventure Village (Sunday School rotation model) for the children. Pentecost. All fun red and orange colors. Again, easy, but time intensive.

All-day Board meeting for a non-profit agency yesterday. It was planning session, and it was run quite well, so it wasn't as awful as these things usually are, in my experience.

I had several counseling/spiritual direction sessions, too. A couple of the sessions were with people calling in crisis so I didn't want to delay seeing them.

So, it's been a non-stop week, and this coming week will be the same with several projects all coming together at the same time. I told the senior minister this morning that I'd be taking quite a bit of comp time! And I will! And I will do it guilt-free!!

And now in other news.....

Beautiful Genuine Drummer Girl is GRADUATING! Oh my. It's just amazing. D and I drove to City to the South this week to see her win SIX awards during her high school's AWARD NIGHT. She won the Outstanding Student in Theater--that was the one she really wanted---plus several academic achievement awards. We are SO SO SO happy for her!

Lovely Passionate Feminist is home from college for the summer. What a joy it is to have her here. Although she doesn't yet know her grades, she's had yet another super semester. And she's already got the same job she had last summer, as a server at a local movie-plus-dinner place. Tips are good, we know from experience!

And Young Man with Integrity is about to finish his teaching job. This summer he's looking for an apartment and a new job--he'd like an entry-level flunky job in a law firm, I think, and then go to law school next year.

Oh, and we had our dining room redecorated. I love it! I've wanted a new dining room from the moment we moved into this house and now I finally have it. We put a beautiful white embossed wall paper on top, then the chair rails, and painted the bottom part of the walls a rich navy blue . I knew I would like it because I copied it from friend Life Giving's dining room. Every time I walk into that room now, I smile. That, plus, the new DECK that my husband has finished out back and I feel like we have a new house!!


Jennifer said…
That's a lot of great news-- blessings, celebrations, lovely asethetics. Hooray!
Jan said…
Katherine, you've had such a busy, busy week! You sound happy, which I'm glad about. Lots to celebrate! And thanks for telling me about D's cat on my blog.
Rev SS said…
Wow! Your May sounds like my April! Plus all the good things happening with the family and house! Wonderful!
Gannet Girl said…
Life sounds very good indeed!
Terri said…
That's a lot of new news! I hope you really enjoy your new dining room and deck and the "kids" for the summer!
Diane M. Roth said…
what abundance in the busy-ness. blessings to and on you.

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