
My husband D and I disagree about Monica's testimony yesterday. He thinks she's lying through her teeth, but I'm not so sure. From what I've read (TPM by Josh Marshall points to a story of her refusing to attend a baby shower for a fellow DOJ-employee because this employee was unwed), Monica is a true-believer. D points out that "true-believers" from the Falwell-Robertson-Dobson school can lie as well as anyone, which I don't doubt. But something tells me that Monica's fervent idealism would make that more difficult for her. Her body language indicated that she was uptight (who wouldn't be?), but I don't think that necessarily means she was lying.

Of course, I could be wrong. Even intuition can be influenced by projections and cultural "truths."

When she said, "I know I crossed the line, but I didn't mean to," I wish someone had set her straight right then and there. Her fervor for her religious beliefs makes her certain that she is right. Monica, certainty is not the same as faith. Faith carries a seed of doubt within it. Certainty is dangerous. Certainty closes us down. It blinds and deafens us, which leads to all kinds of sins/problems/wrong-headed decisions, including crossing this particular line.

Of course, I could be wrong. . . . Despite that possibility, this belief about certainty and faith is how I choose to live my life as a Christian.

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